Saturday, January 6, 2007

Bar #6 - Mojito

So, we went two storefronts down and into Mojito. A big open space with high ceilings and no clear theme, Mojito has a bit of a 'graphiti artist', 'street' feeling to it. Maybe it was just the clientele? Anyway, the place was pretty full and a band was setting up there as well. We got some drinks and headed to an unoccupied corner, which happened to be right along the front wall. We were all pretty much lit-up by now, and Paul decided that he liked the indoor vegetation so much that he'd make a seat of it. We were sitting right in the front window, and everybody passing by kept putting their faces up to the window to see what was going on inside. Paul amused himself by waving and tuanting the passersby, and I amused myself by telling Paul to quit.

Paul and his vegan chair

The band finally started to play, and at first I didn't really know what to think. Not really rap, not really hip-hop, but a funky sound with a nice groove. There were three kids rapping, backed by a drummer, a sax and a bass player. I guess maybe the crowd was all there to see them? Not bad really, and they fit right in with the vibe of the place. But, we had started to grow roots so I shuffled everyone out the door. On the way out Paul tried to jump on the doorman's bike, and was swiftly dealt a stern reprimand.

Josh holding court

Mojito, 1337 Grant Avenue

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