Sunday, January 3, 2010

50 Bars in 50 Weeks

Well, a new year is upon us and what better way to celebrate than by ripping off someone else's idea? Last month I stumbled upon Vlad's Website. After reading thru it, I felt that his inspiration should be carried thru this year as well and I'm taking up the torch.

The goal is this: visiting 50 bars I've never been to in the next 50 weeks. Joining me on this quest are my fiance Molly and my partner-in-crime Josh. The rules are elegantly simple; it must be a bar that none of us has been to and we must have one drink in each bar. This blog will be a repository for the stories that happen along the way.

In the immortal words of Admiral Oliver Hazard Perry, "We have met the enemy and they are ours".


schmorgmann said...

Can't wait to live vicariously through you!

Sue-B Wernke said...

Thanks goodness you aren't trying to do 50 bars in 50 days - that is just plain madness!

ThisIsVlad said...

good luck!!!

Unknown said...

I am glad someone is carrying the torch. I was Vlad's partner in crime. Here's to 50 in 50... Cheers...