Sunday, January 3, 2010

50 Bars in 50 Weeks

Well, a new year is upon us and what better way to celebrate than by ripping off someone else's idea? Last month I stumbled upon Vlad's Website. After reading thru it, I felt that his inspiration should be carried thru this year as well and I'm taking up the torch.

The goal is this: visiting 50 bars I've never been to in the next 50 weeks. Joining me on this quest are my fiance Molly and my partner-in-crime Josh. The rules are elegantly simple; it must be a bar that none of us has been to and we must have one drink in each bar. This blog will be a repository for the stories that happen along the way.

In the immortal words of Admiral Oliver Hazard Perry, "We have met the enemy and they are ours".