Sunday, February 4, 2007

Bar #19 - Mercury Appetizer Bar

The whole crew stumbled a few doors down to the Mercury Appetizer Bar. This is another semi-chic kinda place that falls a bit short of its hipster crowd goal. The space was tastefully decorated with a modern looking bar and brick walls. Apparently they also serve food, which according to the reviews I've read on Yelp, is actually pretty good. We weren't there to eat, so we hit the bar just before the dreaded last call. Can someone tell me why, of all the places on earth, San Francisco's last call happens at 1:15am at nearly every bar? I mean, back in the midwest they're happy to take your money right up until the stroke of 2am, and sometimes even later. But in this huge, cosmopolitan, liberal hotbed they start herding everyone out the door nearly a half hour before 2am?!

Anyway, we had a great time at Mercury despite the fact that the bar itself was dead and the music was pretty boring at best. The Scots, who are nearly incomprehensible on a good day, were pretty drunk and close to impossible to understand. I'm not sure what we were talking about, and I found myself just agreeing with whatever they said because I got tired of asking them to repeat everything. After lots of hugging and drunken photos, we ended up closing the bar and that wrapped up our bar hop. Three weekends into the challange and we're already close to the midway point!

Mercury Appetizer Bar, 1434 Lombard Street

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